Bodyweight Bundle & Other Awesome Bodyweight Products

02/10/2014 23:04



Sin #1Staying in High Rep Ranges

I see this all the time. People see a cool body weight workout routine with exercises like Hindu Push Ups or Crab Walks and think, “Sweet! If I do these exercises I bet I’ll get bigger because my body isn’t used to doing them! I know I need to give my body something new in order to stimulate it to grow. I bet these exercises will do it.

Wrong! Dead wrong, in fact.
Unique body weight exercises are NOT going to bring you size. There are hundreds of variations of unique body weight exercises out there: Dolphin Push Ups, Pistol Squats, Kipping Pull Ups, Bear Squats... etc... etc... etc...

Here’s the problem with thinking that the type of exercise is where the benefit lies...

When you start doing a new exercise it is TRUE that your body isn’t used to doing it. So you typically can only get a few reps. It challenges your body in a new way so you see some change. After awhile (and usually pretty quickly) your body adapts. You can now crank out 15, 20 or even 30 reps of an exercise.

After a few weeks you look in the mirror and think,  “Dang, why aren’t I seeing results like when I first started?

The REAL reason is because you are not staying in a low rep range. Your body has adapted to the exercise and it takes more and more reps to reach fatigue. This may be good for developing a “pump” feeling but will not be giving you the size you are looking for.

Think about how a professional body builder works out. Do they use lighter weights and go for high reps (15 to 20)? Or do they use heavy weights and stay within a 6-8 or 8-12 rep range?

Drum roll.....

Low reps.


And YES, it CAN be done with only body weight exercises.


Sin #2Not Incorporating Enough Volume

Most body weight programs make the inexcusable sin of only having their participants do two or three sets. Remember that the key to muscle growth is overload.

High volume (in other words, lots of sets), ESPECIALLY as it applies to body weight training, it critical to gaining size.

Why is high volume so important?

With each set you perform, you tear muscle tissue. This is important in the grand scheme of muscle building efforts because after the muscle is torn your body works to rebuild it. And since your body is a master of adaption, it will rebuild it stronger and bigger.

SOOO.... how do you tear it more effectively? Multiple sets.

With each passing set you continue to tear more muscle tissue. Here’s what happens:

Set 1: Push your body until you reach fatigue and tear muscle fibers.

Set 2: On the next set your body recruits muscle fibers that haven’t been fully fatigued yet. It pushes those muscle fibers to the max until they reach fatigue.

Set 3: You keep doing the above until all the muscle fibers in a single muscle group are blasted.

This is why HIGH VOLUME IS ESSENTIAL TO MUSCLE GROWTH and why so many other programs are totally missing the mark.


Sin #3Not Periodizing Training

This by FAR is the most common sin of almost every body weight training program.

Periodization means structuring your program in a way that forces your body to adapt to ever increasing demands. It is a way of organizing training that involves cycling various aspects of training during a specific period. At the end of the cycle you reach the peak.

This approach allows you to push your body to the fullest without over-training.

Most programs simply lay out a bunch of exercises and tell you to do them for two or three months.

In order to gain maximum size you must cycle a number of training components such as reps, sets, rest periods, exercises and the intensity you give to the exercise, total length of workout time and muscle groups.

Sound complex?

Don’t worry. Bodyweight Overload lays out exactly what and how to follow in a way that is simple to understand.  

“So explain to me why just changing up the exercises is such a problem when you are trying to build muscle?”

It goes back to muscular adaptation. Your muscles are designed to adapt to stimulus. If you only change one variable in your workouts than your body quickly adapts and gets comfortable with the routine.

This is the kiss of death for muscle building.

Your body MUST stay stressed through every changing variables so it never fully gets a chance to adapt.

Keep this locked in your mind: Adaptation = Muscle Growth


Sin #4Not Doing Split Workout Plans99% of every body weight workout program out there does NOT incorporate splits into its design.

What is a split workout plan?

A split workout plan is structuring your workouts so you target a specific muscle group within a workout. The typical body weight program at best will break a workout plan into upper and lower body days. At worst it will group all of the major muscles groups into one workout.

I used to think that the benefit of body weight workouts was that you could work out the whole body as a single unit.
A single exercise strengthened almost every muscle in your body.

That’s good, right?

Sure. That’s good if you just want to develop general strength. You’ll be able to perform a ton of reps with your body working as unit.


If you are looking to build muscle, you are literally shooting yourself in the foot.

Here’s why.

Reason #1: Why Muscle Isolation = Greater Muscle Growth

Remember that in order to build muscle you must first tear it. The greater the tear, the bigger it will grow back. When you use general exercises such as the normal push up, squat, etc. you recruit many muscle groups in order to perform the movement.

This may sound good because you think, “Great, I’ll be able to tear all of those muscles with a single movement. I’ll be more efficient.”


This “shot gun” approach to tearing muscle tissue (using one exercise to target lots of muscles) never fully allows you to get those deep micro-fiber tears that you need in order to build muscle.
With muscle building you must focus like a laser.

Target a specific muscle group until you TOTALLY and ABSOLUTELY blast that muscle group to the fullest and then AND ONLY THEN will you have reached the point where your muscles will grow.

And YES, you CAN do this with body weight exercises. There are two very specific techniques for modifying traditional body weight exercises that allow you to target like a laser on one primary muscle group.

Reason #2: Splits Allow For More Effective Muscle Recovery

The other ESSENTIAL benefit to split workout plans is that it allows enough time for your muscle to recover. If you work out a muscle group consistently 4-5 times per week you never give it a chance to grow.

It takes TIME to grow and the amount of time that you rest is JUST AS IMPORTANT as how you work out.

Growth happens AFTER the workout when you are resting the muscle. The body is able to repair the damage over a period of a couple days and rebuilds it stronger and bigger.

Effective routines MUST incorporate adequate rest into its design.



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